Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Cory's strike survival guide.

Recently, Entertainment Weekly published in one of their issues what they called a "Strike Survival Guide." And for those of you that have not lived in a cave these past few months, it's quite obvious what they are referring to. Anyway, EW gave me the idea to post my very own blog featuring 10 things to help you survive the strike. So, let's get started shall we?

10. Watch the Lord of the Rings Trilogy - Hey, by the time you get done with these 3 behemoths the strike may even be over.
9. - While this may be old news to most, YouTube happens to have some pretty stinkin' hilarious videos guaranteed to pass hours worth of television time.
8. Heroes - Purchase season 1 on DVD and enjoy. I've never seen it, but surely a show that critically acclaimed can't be all that bad. Unless it's Sex and the City. Or Scrubs.. Or Gilmore Girls.. um nevermind. If it's not good then just play online poker or watch American Idol instead
7. Wii - I recommend golf or tennis or even Mario Party 
6. Lost Season 1-3 - If you haven't experienced it yet, please don't procrastinate any longer.
5. Buy dvds of your favorite old shows - For example: Boy Meets World.
4. Listen to more music (New and Old) - At least the musicians didn't go on strike. I suggest starting with Air - Cherry Blossom Girl going into something like the Beach Boys - Wouldn't It Be Nice and working your way down to The White Stripes - Ball and Biscuit
3. Watch Conan O'Brien - A funny show not playing re-runs. What's not to like?
2. Start reading Harry Potter (again) - enough said
1. Lost Season 4 - Only 8 episodes finished so far, but oh how I hope that more will come in the very near future. As far as TV shows, they don't get much better than Lost.

1 comment:

BPalma said...

I'm totally with you. I think you would love "Heroes" though. I am addicted.